St Albans has a rich church life. There are plenty of ways to be involved, connected, and make a difference.
Mainly Music
Mainly Music is a place where pre-schoolers and their parents or caregivers can meet and build friendships through musical activities, morning tea and free play. Mainly Music is held at St Albans on Wednesdays at 10am, during the school terms.
If you are interested in this group, please come along one Wednesday or contact us.
Messy Church @ St Albans
Messy Church is for young and old... It's for our Palmy Community... It's loads of Fun... and there’s a great sense of belonging to a caring Family. There is no cost involved. Invite your friends and family along, we would love you to come and join us.
Men’s Ministry
Men’s breakfasts are held a few times per year to hear a speaker, discuss life, get inspired, and connect with each other.
The Retired Men's coffee group meet monthly for fellowship and friendship. Come and join us.
Other events are organised from time-to-time which includes social events, working bees and Promise Keepers.
Embrace Women’s Ministry
The women at St Albans run several events throughout the year specially for women such as Knitting and Nattering, family games nights, fund raising events to assist young people in mission, preparing “yellow boxes” for Women’s Refuge, and making blankets and baby clothes for operation Cover-Up and other mission organisations. There is also a ladies morning tea fellowship that meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday afternoon.
The Evergreens are a group over 60s who meet for the purpose of friendship and entertainment as well as occasional special events such as day trips, meals, and invited speakers. The Evergreens meet on the first Monday of each month.
Sonbeams is a group for our littlest ones. Children up to and including 3 years old have a safe space to play and interact with their peers, while being cared for by a small group of volunteers and parents.
STAKS (St Albans Kids)
STAKS is our Sunday programme for children aged 4 years to school year 6. The children meet on Sunday from 10.15am to 11.45am.
We offer a mixture of large and small group times, including games, singing and activities, so that everyone has the opportunity to participate at their own level.
Pr1me is our Sunday morning ministry for young people who are in school years 7-10. This one hour programme happens during the Sunday morning service and is all about discipling young people in the way of Jesus and being around other like-minded people.
For more info or to join us: Contact Daniel, our Youth Pastor, or head upstairs during our Sunday morning service.
Elevate Youth
Elevate Youth is our ministry for young people in school years 6-8. This group regularly meets on Thursdays in term time for what becomes the best night of the week! It is night full of energy, crazy games, life changing discussions, engaging Life Groups and ice-cream!
For more info or to join us: Contact our Youth Pastor Daniel, check out our Facebook page or come along on Thursday night from 6:30-8pm.
Empower Youth
Empower Youth is our ministry for young people in school years 9-13. Every Friday this awesome group of people meet together to connect, have fun, be challenged, and enjoy life together. Through Life Groups, epic events and weekly gatherings, Empower Youth is a place for people to belong and love life!
For more info or to join us: Contact Daniel, our Youth Pastor, check out our Instagram and Facebook page or come along on Friday night from 7-9pm.
Engage Young Adults
Engage is our Young Adults ministry. This group regularly meets on Wednesday nights. This group is all about young adults doing life together by meeting regularly, having honest conversations, being challenged, having fun and enjoying life.
For more info or to join us: Contact Janet Ridsdale, join our Facebook Group or come along on Wednesday night from 7-9pm.
Home Groups
Home groups are a key way that we relate our faith in Jesus to our daily lives and do life together, encourage and challenge each other and show support, hospitality and help to one other in practical ways.
Want to join a home group? Contact us
Local Missions
St Albans support a range of local missions including the Chaplaincy at PN Hospital, the Chaplaincy at Massey University, Christian Religious Education (CRE) in schools, the PN Christian Leaders’ Association, Emmaus Christian training provider, Presbyterian AFFIRM, Christian Broadcasting Association and other local charities, as well as the mission component of our national Presbyterian Church.
The Alpha Course is an eight-week series of interactive video sessions that explore the big questions of life through the lens of the Christian faith, in a relaxed and low-pressured environment, where no question is out of bounds. Alpha happens all around the world in churches, pubs, prisons & homes where 29 million people have loved taking part. 200,000 Kiwis have also participated in the course. Visit for more info and current courses
International Missions
St Albans is active in international missions. We have eight partners throughout the world whom we support, most of whom came from our congregation.
Prison Ministry
St Albans has previously had a team be part of the Sunday ministry to Manawatu Prison, but is currently in recess.
Prayer Ministry
A prayer chain operates at St Albans. Confidential prayers are sent around the email list of pray-ers every week. Pray-ers can testify to wonderful answers to prayer requests.
Prayer ministry is offered during our Sunday worship services and can be arranged during the week by our elders and pastoral team.
Operation Tea Break
Operation Tea Break makes meals available to anyone who needs them as a result of sickness, new baby, moving house etc.
The meals are prepared by members during several "cook ups" which happen throughout the year and frozen until needed.
St Albans has a library with a combination of fiction and non-fiction books, plus DVDs, for children and adults, and Home Group resources which are available for our church family to borrow.
Prayers & Squares
Can you touch a prayer? You can if it is a prayer quilt. Prayer quilts are given as a gift of love to people who are in special need of prayer. Quilts are lovingly crafted and brought to Sunday services, where people tie a knot in the cords provided and say a prayer for the healing of the designated person.
Knitting and Nattering
This group of knitters and crocheters seeks to bless and love those in need by creating blankets, socks, hats, singlets and anything else that is required. Items have been sent locally, within NZ and overseas and it is a joy to envisage people receiving them and knowing they are sent in love. The group have formed a wonderful friendship and this too has been a blessing. We are always ready to welcome new friends and donations of wool are appreciated.
We meet in the church library at 7.00pm each Monday night during term time.
Marriage Alpha Course
7-weeks of investing in your Marriage.
Whether you’ve been married six months or 40+ years, whether you're in a good place or struggling, the Marriage Course offers practical support to strengthen your relationship.
Contact Janet & Scott Ridsdale to register